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humorous look at Italian politics (bilingual)

Monday, September 20, 2010
Tbogg has an idea "Someone should float a rumor to Andrew Sullivan that Christine O'Donnell is Trig's mom. Best week of posts ever"
Well that's OK. Certainly one doesn't get pregnant masturbating, so there is a link, but it has nothing to do with dabling in witchcraft, so it's like totally so last week.

I'd say the really good rumor is that Christing O'Donnell performed a voodoo ritual in which she stuck needles shaped like 23rd chromasomes into a wax model of Trig so that he would have Down's and Palin could prove that she is really absolutely pro-life and get elected and then appoint O'Donnell vice President when McCain keeled over. Now that's a rumor.

It's hard for fantasy to keep up with reality these days.

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