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![]() fantapoliticahumorous look at Italian politics (bilingual)Monday, June 14, 2004 Who would you prefer Reagan or Nixon ? asked conservatives to tease liberals back in the good old 80's. Right now I'd take 8 years of Nixon followed by 8 years of Reagan rather than 4 more years of Bush. I'm amazed to appreciate Reagan's intellectual vision and Nixon's integrity. A uniter not a divider indeed. Sunday, June 13, 2004 Nexus and the Olive Tree I would have thought that spin stops while votes are being counted (except in Florida in 2000). Given the vague powers of the European parliament, I assume that spinmeisters (masters maitres maestri) will work overtime interpreting the results, but I would have guessed that exit polls and projections were done honestly. It is not clear how one would want to distort them since the final numbers will arrive by tomorrow. I continued to think this even when Rai (Italian public television) hired prime minister Berlusconi’s favourite polling firm (datamedia) slightly disguised as part of a consortium called Nexus. Representatives of l’Ulivo (the olive tree) the main opposition alliance, objected at the time. Now I see the outer limits of spin. Yesterday Berlusconi was hammered at the polls. This is no surprise first because he has made clear to Italians what he is and second because he has linked himself to Bush and the invasion of Iraq. However, he and other leaders of Forza Italia (yaay Italy) did not manage to lower expectations far enough and fast enough. The line going in was that anything over 25% would be OK even though the party got almost 30% in the last parliamentary election. The results from Nexus quickly showed that this wasn’t low enough. They also showed a very clear downward trend so far tonight. I present % vote for Forza Italia, the whole center right coalition and the whole center left coalition in successive predictions. Forza Italia Center Right Total Center Left Total Exit Poll 22 % +/ 1.5 % 45.5 +/- 5.5 % 46.5 +/- 5.5 % First Projection 22.3 % 46.5 % 44.6 % Second Projection 21.8 % 46.6 % 44.4 % Third Projection 21.5 % 46.1 % 44.6 % Fourth Projection 20.7 % 45.4 % 45 % Fifth Projection 20.5 % 45.3 % 45.6 % Sixth Projection 20.7 % 44.9 % 45.9 % Actual vote 20.5 % 44 % 47.4 % 33388 of 65878 precincts reporting The really weird projections concern two tiny parties representing linguistic minorities, the UV which represents French Speakers in Val d’Aosta and the SVP which represents German speakers in Sud Tirole/Alto Adige. These projections can only be described as Merde/Sheitz, since each party was consistently projected to get 0.0 % of the vote. Clearly the allegedly representative sample of precincts did not include any precincts in Val d’Aosta or the Sud Tirole. With 33388 of 65878 precincts reporting the SVP had 0.7% of the vote so they can not (even with rounding) fall below 0.3 %. Earlier totals were closer to 1% (they count relatively fast in the Sud Tirole). Now it seems to me that, in this day and age, there is no need to choose a sample of precincts to make projections. It should be possible to have a data base of vote by precinct from past elections and calculate total votes now divided by votes then for reporting precincts, then to use this factor to project national totals as a multiple of last elections national totals. This won’t work if precinct boundaries change (some might have changed boundaries but I think most don’t). It has the advantage that, since it is automatic, no cheating is possible. It would also avoid offending the Sud Tirolishers Needless to say center left politicians are irritated (in spite of being pleased about the results). I am irritated too, since a thunder storm interrupted my power supply 9 times while I was posting this and I know that Berlusconi is behind it sometimes (can't wear my tinfoil hat in a thunderstorm you know). Wednesday, June 02, 2004 Atrios and Traffic Sitemeter says total visits 11,653 visits this week 5,879 (almost all referred by atrios). It's official more people have visited this site because Atrios linked than had visited in its previous history. Weird. My big hit as a blogger was pointing out an error so obvious that no one else bothered to mention it which I found in the obscure New York Times in an article on the obscure topic of US torture. Weird. Monday, May 31, 2004 Google has an interesting point 1) Someone was referred to my other blog by yahoo after searching for Frimigoni. 2) This very blog came out first in a google search for Frimigoni. According to www.google.it this is the number 1 site for learning about Roberto Frimigoni in all cyberspace rating above sites in Japan, Russia and Vietnam, and this in spite of the fact that I don't know who he is. 3) google.it also suggested "forse cercavi: formigoni " Indeed (davvero). update: spellling corected by Arwenn Dio Denaro C'e ' Chi è Roberto Frimigoni? FreeRepublic.com " A Conservative News Forum" ha tradotto il rapporto del 25 gennaio 2004 nel giornale iracheno “al Mada” che contiene una lista di quelli a cui il regime di Saddam Hussein ha dato buoni per l'acquisto del petrolio. I buoni hanno dato ai portatori il diritto di comprare il petrolio iracheno come previsto dal programma "oil for food". Hanno avuto un valore di mercato approssimativamente fra 5 e 50 centesimi per ogni barile. I regali sono misurati in barile che potrebbero essere comprati. I diritti a 1,000,000 barile varrebbero da $50.000 a $500.000. Il nome sulla lista che mi interessa più è quello di un italiano di cui il nome è traslitterato dall'arabo da FreeRepublic.com come Roberto Frimigoni e che ha ricevuto il diritto a 1,000,000 barile. Credo che questa trascrizione scorretta si riferisca a Roberto Formigoni. Vi ricordate la sua opposizione contro "Desert Storm". Era basata soltanto sui principi cattolici o ha avuto un ruolo l'interesse economico ? Questa potrebbe essere una sfida per la fede di alcuni cattolici. Il Presidente Formigoni può rincuorarsi del fatto che il pensiero che potrebbe essere inchiodato per aver ricevuto doni da Saddam Hussein mi ha causato la speranza, per la prima volta nella mia vita, che Dio c’è. Monday, May 17, 2004 Dan Froomkin's EMD commission game Dazzle your friends with your intimate knowledge of the commission and the answers to these questions: • Which commission member's current job -- as a vice president for Northrop Grumman -- was left out of the White House press release? I have no idea • Which commissioner chairs a human-rights organization funded by a billionaire who is also funding the anti-Bush political movement? The billionaire is George Soros, the organization is the Open Society Foundation (not really a human rights org) • Which commissioner, according to Salon, "has been near the febrile center of the largest political scandals of the past two decades, from the rumored 'October surprise' of 1980 and the Iran-contra trials to the character assassination of Anita Hill and the impeachment of President Clinton"? Co chair Laurence H. Silberman • Which commissioner allegedly attended cocaine parties? Co chair Charles S. Robb • Which commission staff member worked for 14 years as a White House correspondent? I have no idea [update] My score 1 Studeman I did't know or guess 2 Wald (no guess) Open Society Justice Institute (didn't know it existed but guessed the first two words from link to Soros). I got the billionaire 3 Correct 4 Correct 5 spokesman Lary McQuillan 2.5 out of 5 not so bad Sunday, May 09, 2004 Three things. 1) Someone was referred to my other blog by yahoo after searching for Frimigoni. 2) This very blog came out first in a google search for Frimigoni. According to www.google.it this is the number 1 site for learning about Roberto Frimigoni in all cyberspace rating above sites in Japan, Russia and Vietnam, and this in spite of the fact that I don't know who he is. 3) google.it also suggested "forse cercavi: formagoni " Indeed (davvero). Saturday, May 01, 2004 Dio Denaro C'e ' Chi è Roberto Frimigoni? FreeRepublic.com " A Conservative News Forum" ha tradotto il rapporto del 25 gennaio 2004 nel giornale iracheno “al Mada” che contiene una lista di quelli a cui il regime di Saddam Hussein ha dato buoni per l'acquisto del petrolio. I buoni hanno dato ai portatori il diritto di comprare il petrolio iracheno come previsto dal programma "oil for food". Hanno avuto un valore di mercato approssimativamente fra 5 e 50 centesimi per ogni barile. I regali sono misurati in barile che potrebbero essere comprati. I diritti a 1.000.000 barile varrebbero da $50.000 a $500.000. Il nome sulla lista che mi interessa più è quello di un italiano di cui il nome è traslitterato dall'arabo da FreeRepublic.com come Roberto Frimigoni e che ha ricevuto il diritto a 1.000.000 barile. Credo che questa trascrizione scorretta si riferisca a Roberto Formigoni. Vi ricordate la sua opposizione contro "Desert Storm". Era basata soltanto sui principi cattolici o ha avuto un ruolo l'interesse economico ? Questa potrebbe essere una sfida per la fede di alcuni cattolici. Il Presidente Formigoni può rincuorarsi del fatto che il pensiero che potrebbe essere inchiodato per aver ricevuto doni da Saddam Hussein mi ha causato la speranza, per la prima volta nella mia vita, che Dio c’è. Thursday, March 25, 2004 Reading the transcript of Richard Clarke's 9/11 commission testimony I wonder about the state of the presidential jockey shorts. I was inspired by Dave Barry's column "Red Shorts Over Panama" (http:// google it yourself) in which he inquired about the nature of President George H.W. Bush's underpants. I am pretty sure that The President pissed his pants when Clarke apologised for his failure to prevent 9/11. I am also quite sure that he shitted them before Clarke finished. But when ? Was it when Clarke swore he would not work in the Kerry administration and a reverential silence fell over the room ? Was it when Clarke explained that special assistants to the president are not expected to express their personal opinions to journalists and have more time to pack their things if they resign than if they spend a briefing dumping on the president. And the audience laughed ? Was it when Clarke said "I don't think it's a question of morality at all; I think it's a question of politics," and the audience applauded ? When was the last time the audience applauded a witness under oath on TV ? And they applauded Clarke for saying his actions were guided by politics not morality ! In any case, I'm sure that, bBy the time Gov Thomson left the room the presidential undies were as full of it as the Bush administratios attacks on Clarke. Wednesday, March 24, 2004 I think that the notorious August 2002 background briefing tells us nothing about Clarke's true opinions or about his honesty and integrity. Delivering the talking points to the press is part of the job. he says he kept doing it because he was really interested in fighting cyberterrorism. That means the virus jerks temporarily kept Richard Clarke on Bush admin message. One more reason to hate them. Clarke is not pure unmixed extasy (the emotion not the drug) for us Bush haters. otice that some of the points we use to bash Bush are now inoperative, because Clarke says that they were Clarke's calls. He says that and the secret service decided to send Bush to Offut so no more Bush was a coward on the run cracks. He says that and the FBI decided to allow the Saudis including Bin Ladens to leave the country, so no more tinhat speculation that this was done to hide the arbusto petroleum-al Qaeda link. If it is not true he loses credibility. If it is true, those decisions don't reflect on Bush. I do like the thought of Clarke sending Bush to the wonderfully named base. I wonder if "go to Offut" could become slang for "you procastinated way to long and messed up big time" or maybe "Offut you " . Would be grim if "get off it" were convused with "get Offut" a message to al Qaeda about how to kil Bush. That could lead to some innocent person becoming an angel before their time what with Bush's enthusiasm for the death penalty. Saturday, March 13, 2004 Just the same old link ha ha made you look Monday, January 12, 2004 I know this is very late. I am amazed at the reaction of Italian politicians and the Corriere Della Sera to the “motivazione” of the sentence of the appeals court of Palermo which absolved Giulio Andreotti of “associazione mafiosa”. According to an article in the July 25 2003 La Repubblica, the appeals court made it very clear that they concluded that Andreotti had been an ally of the mafia until 1980 and that, therefore, his acquittal was, in substance, based on the statute of limitations not innocence in the ordinary sense of the word. Somehow, this has not prevented Italian politicians generally from treating the sentence as a vindication. Even more bizarrely, Italy’s other leading serious newspaper, La Corriere della Sera does not seem to have seen fit to report on the “motivazione della sentenza” at all. This is bizarre. It is the finding of fact of the highest court to have considered the case. Also, although Andreotti could appeal to the highest court of appeal (cassazione) to clear his name, as far as I know, he has not done so, being (as far as I know) satisfied with a acquittal on the grounds of the statute of limitations. I quote some from La Repubblica 25 April 2003. The first part of the article notes that the appeals court concluded that after 1980 Andreotti did not help the mafia. Then the article continues with what appears to be a direct quote from the “motivazione della sentenza”. ”Fino agli anni '80 però il giudizio dei giudici è durissimo. "Il senatore Andreotti ha avuto piena consapevolezza che i suoi sodali siciliani intrattenevano amichevoli rapporti con alcuni boss mafiosi, ha, quindi, - scrivono i giudici - a sua volta coltivato amichevoli relazioni con gli stessi boss, ha palesato agli stessi una disponibilità non meramente fittizia, ha loro chiesto favori, li ha incontrati". “ The motivazione does seem clear enough (if correctly quoted). I translate the last sentence in my quotation of the article as well as I can. My effort at translation is in square brackets. I can’t gurarantee that I am accurately translating La Repubblica or (certainly) that La Repubblica is accurately quoting the explanation (motivazione) of the verdict. [Senatore Andreotti was fully aware that his Sicilian allies maintained a friendly relationship with some Mafia capi, had, therefore, in turn cultivated a friendly relationship with the same capi, he made clear to them a willingness to be helpful which was not merely fake, he asked them favours, he met them] This seems quite damning to me. For some reason it has been almost completely overlooked by Italian politicians and commentators. I personally believe that it is an accurate quotation. I haven’t checked it, but I would imagine that, if it had been a misquotation, Andreotti would have sued La Repubblica. I have seen no reference to such a suit in my search as described below. To me the really weird thing is that the Corriere della Sera does not seem to have reported on the explanation of the verdict (motivazione della sentenza) at all. Andreotti in Corsera I searched for the word Andreotti in the Corriere della Sera and found on the 2nd of May 2003 the report on the verdict. Here note that the court seems to have said that it doesn’t have to consider alleged crimes committed bifore 1982 because of the statute of limitations. This might imply that the findings of fact quoted in the article in La Repubblica from the motivazione have less legal standing than statements about crimes the court considered itself required to judge. Mafia, Andreotti assolto anche in appello … SENTENZA - La Corte presieduta da Salvatore Scaduti ha emesso la sentenza con cui conferma quella di primo grado, che aveva assolto Andreotti con la formula «perché il fatto non sussiste», dopo poco più di otto ore di camera di consiglio: i giudici si erano ritirati per decidere questa mattina alle 9.45. La Corte ha ritenuto «di non doversi procedere» per il reato associativo a causa della prescrizione e ha dunque confermato l'assoluzione pronunciata dal Tribunale tre anni fa. I pm Daniela Giglio e Annamaria Leone avevano chiesto la condanna dell'ex presidente del Consiglio a 10 anni di reclusione. IL DISPOSITIVO - I giudici hanno diviso il capo d'imputazione in due parti: per i fatti precedenti al 1982, per il quale il senatore a vita era accusato di associazione per delinquere, e quello per il quale è stato accusato di associazione mafiosa. Per la prima imputazione i giudici hanno dichiarato prescritto il reato, mentre per l'accusa di associazione mafiosa hanno confermato l'assoluzione. Il presidente Salvatore Scaduti, durante la lettura dei dispositivo, non ha mai citato la parola assoluzione. Per questo motivo, l' avvocato Giulia Bongiorno, difensore di Andreotti, ha subito gridato in aula «assolto, assolto». … Notice that the verdict does not explicitly include a finding of fact relative to events prior to 1982 (when the law was changed). Andreotti was acquitted for crimes allegedly committed before 1982 because of the statute of limitations. As noted above the appeals court went on to write a 1.520 page long explanation of the verdict. Such an explanation (motivazione) is required by the Italian constitution. According to La Repubblica, the court appears to have concluded that Andreotti was an ally of the Mafia before 1980, so his acquittal is, in substance, due to the statute of limitations and not do to innocence of monstrous crimes as the word innocence is used outside of courts. So what more did the Corriere della Sera have to say about Andreotti. Since 2 May 2003 the name “Andreotti” has appeared in 20 articles in the Corriere della Sera. I don’t see how they could discuss the motivazione of the acquittal by the Palermo appeals court without using the name Andreotti. None of the articles seems to note the court’s finding that Andreotti was a friend of the mafia. Here they are in reverse chronological order. 20 Berlusconi: «I pm non ricorrano in Cassazione» - L'intervento del presidente del Consiglio a «Radio anch'io» Reference to Andreotti: “Berlusconi ha preso spunto dalla sentenza di assoluzione di Giulio Andreotti, criticando «la pervicacia dei suoi accusatori» che sono ricorsi in appello dopo la sentenza di proscioglimento di primo grado.” (Berlusconi criticizes the prosecutors for appealing the original absolution of Andreotti). 19 Violini (e stecche) di onorevoli cantori - Reference to Andreotti:” Ma non ci era stato spiegato per anni, da Tortora a Contrada, da Andreotti a Previti, che non bastavano le testimonianze dirette e …” Ironic general comment about how strong the burden of proof seems to be for some well known defendents. 18 Il Csm difende i giudici dalle accuse del premier - Documento votato a maggioranza, contrari i membri della Cdl Reference to Andreotti:“Il documento è stato approvato dopo l’apertura di una pratica a tutela del magistrati di Milano (processi Imi-Sir/Lodo Mondadori), di Palermo (processo Andreotti) e dei pm che indagano sul caso Telekom-Serbia dopo le accuse di politicizzazione rivolte loro da Berlusconi.” The top disciplinary and administrative body of the judicial branch responds to the accusations made by the prime minister against judges (see 20 above). 17 Melania Mazzucco conquista la notte dello Strega - Diretta televisiva per «Porta a porta», con Bruno Vespa Reference to Andreotti: “Assente Giulio Andreotti, raucedine e febbre,” Andreotti is ill and doesn’t appear on a TV talk show honoring an author. 16 Sandro Ciotti A collecton of photos with no text. I have no idea why the search for Andreotti turned this up. 15 Fini: «Carraro se ne vada, è meglio per tutti» - Sport e politica sono sempre più intrecciati Reference to Andreotti:IL CLUB - Oggi verrà inaugurato il Roma Club Montecitorio, che segue l’esempio di Inter e Milan. Al senatore a vita Giulio Andreotti verrà offerta la presidenza onoraria. Andreotti is named honorary president of a soccer club named after the lower house of parliament. 14 Berlusconi: «I giudici matti». Replica di Ciampi - Intervista alla Voce di Rimini e alla rivista inglese «The Spectator» References to Andreotti: ha commentato l'accusa ad Andreotti di essere un mafioso. And : se secondo lui Giulio Andreotti sia un mafioso, Berlusconi infatti risponde: «Ma no, ma no. Andreotti è troppo intelligente. Guardate, Andreotti non è mio amico. Lui è di sinistra. Hanno creato questa menzogna per dimostrare … The prime minister says that magistrates are all crazy as shown by the fact that they accused Andreotti of being a mafiosa. He also claims that Andreotti is a leftist. 13 «E Saddam scambiò il cardinale per una spia» - LA STORIA - Il raìs segreto References to Andreotti: “ci furono sempre forti riserve da parte dell'allora ministro degli Esteri, Giulio Andreotti, il quale favoriva un folto gruppo di industriali italiani che commerciavano con l'Iran a scapito delle relazioni con l'Iraq».” Andreotti was opposed to friendly relations with Iraq during the Iran Iraq war. 12 I 25 anni di pontificato di Giovanni Paolo II More photos 11 Ulivo ed Svp vincono a Trento, Bolzano e Trieste - Il centrosinistra si impone nelle provinciali Reference to Carlo Andreotti Not Giulio Andreotti 10 «Assolvete Andreotti per il delitto Pecorelli» - La sentenza attesa per domani in serata 29 ottobre 2003 This is mostly an artiche about another trial. The reference to the trial in Palermo is NUOVO SCONTRO - A 10 anni dall'inizio della vicenda giudiziaria, a Palermo, a carico di Giulio Andreotti, senatore a vita e sette volte presidente del Consiglio, accusato di mafia e assolto in primo e secondo grado, l'iter non si è ancora concluso. Un nuovo scontro si profila tra l'accusa e la difesa. La Procura generale di Palermo si appresta a depositare ricorso, a 24 ore dai termini previsti per legge, alla sentenza di assoluzione emessa dai giudici della I sezione della Corte di appello del capoluogo siciliano nel maggio scorso. A report that the prosecution is appealing the acquittal by the appeals court. There is no reference to the motivazione of the sentence which was discussed in La Repubblica 3 months earlier 9 Andreotti: «Sul caso le impronte di Violante» - Incontro con il senatore dopo lassoluzione Categoria: Primo Piano > CRONACHE Pubblicato il: 31 ottobre 2003 All about the other trial (in Perugina) a very sympathetic interview. 8 Delitto Pecorelli, la Cassazione assolve Andreotti - La decisione cancella la condanna anche di Tano Badalamenti La sentenza annulla la condanna a 24 anni come mandante dell'omicidio. Oggi la telefonata di Ciampi al senatore a vita Pubblicato il: 31 ottobre 2003 Again about the other trial. No references to Palermo. 7 Caso Andreotti, lite fra i poli sul ruolo di Violante - Il senatore a vita ha ricevuto una telefonata da Ciampi 1 Nov 2003 Here the “defendant” in the political debite is Luciano Violante (leader of the ex communists in the lower house) accused by Andreotti of falsely accusing Andreotti. This is mainly part of the reaction to the acquittal in the other trial but there is no reference to the motivazione of the sentence of the appeals court in Palermo. 6 Polemica sulla lettera di Pera ad Andreotti - Il presidente del Senato aveva parlato di «clima feroce» L'Anm: «Le affermazioni della seconda carica dello Stato mettono in crisi la fiducia dei cittadini nella giustizia» Categoria: Primo Piano > POLITICA Pubblicato il: 2 novembre 2003 The national association of magistrates objects to the president of the Senate who wrote a letter to Andreotti denouncing the “political use of justice”. This worries me because the letter is quoted in another article which contains the word Andreotti but which did not show up in the search for Andreotti. I will assume that the article quoting the letter is a side bar and shows up in the search as part of the main article. 5 Andreotti: «Violante ha cercato di incastrarmi» - «Dall'ex presidente dell'Antimafia un'excusatio non petita» Il senatore a vita accusa il capogruppo Ds: a Palermo non si indagava su Pecorelli: perchè allora inviare lì quella lettera? Categoria: Primo Piano > POLITICA Pubblicato il: 6 novembre 2003 Andreotti accuses Violante of trying to frame him again. The reference is mainly to the trial in Perugia. There is no hint in the article that the highest court to have considered the question concluded that Andreotti had been a friend of the mafia. The acquittal of the charge of murder seems to have carried over or the statute of limitations is considered to imply innocence in the ordinary sense of the word. 4 Processo Sme: i giudici, sabato la sentenza - Ultime dichiarazioni spontanee del parlamentare di Forza Italia Another defendant in another trial, Previtti, accuses his judges rather than defending himself (I am translating Previtti). Reference to Andreotti: alcune dichiarazioni definite ipocrite che sono state spese in occasione dell'assoluzione di Giulio Andreotti. 3 «Raiot» a teatro, in migliaia per la Guzzanti - I girotondini esultano: siamo tornati A satirical program is “temporarily” suspended from public TV for legal reasons and so the show is performed in a theatre. Reference to Andreotti: E ovviamente si parla di giustizia («la questione morale va sollevata») e di mafia. Di Andreotti e di Previti (il testo è stato limato fino all’ultimo per evitare querele). Andreotti was mentioned. Care was taken to avoid being sued. 2 «Né potere né denaro». Così parlò Calisto - La caduta del Gran Lattaio Reference to Andreotti: Democristiano dichiarato, amico di Giulio Andreotti, The chairman of the board of Parmalat is a friend of Giulio Andreotti. 1 Norberto Bobbio More photos So 20 refences to Andreotti (one with a sidebar). 19 are to Giulio Andreotti and 16 contain text. Two (15 and 17) present him as an abstractly distinguished person. One (13) refers to his role as foreign minister. Two (8 and 10) report the news that he was absolved in another case by the highest court of appeal. Three (5, 7 and 9) concern his accusations against another politician who he accuses of accusing him unjustly. Five (20,18, 14, 6, 4) concern members of the current majority using the alleged persecution of Andreotti as part of their general case against magistrates who accuse politicians (including in 4 of 5 cases the politician who is quoted). One (2) notes that he was a friend of someone who is in the news for an unrelated reason. One (3) describes the performance in a theatre of a satirical show that risked being considered too hot (politically) for public TV. One (19) is an ironic article alleging that the center right is hypocritical and noting (in the abstract) the very high standard of proof required for accusations against, among others, Andreotti. None mention the finding of fact by the appeals court of Palermo that "Il senatore Andreotti ha avuto piena consapevolezza che i suoi sodali siciliani intrattenevano amichevoli rapporti con alcuni boss mafiosi, ha, quindi, - scrivono i giudici - a sua volta coltivato amichevoli relazioni con gli stessi boss, ha palesato agli stessi una disponibilità non meramente fittizia, ha loro chiesto favori, li ha incontrati". All of the discussion would make sense only if Andreotti had been found innocent in the ordinary sense of the word, not unpunishable because of the statute of limitations. Andreotti can appeal to to the highest court of appeals in the hope of obtaining a full absolution. It appears that he has chosen not to do so. Very strikingly most of the accusations which are considered are accusations against the prosecutors accused of persecuting Andreotti. Sunday, January 11, 2004 The following English passage presented between square brackets (which are definitely not to be confused with quotation marks) is presented as is with no guarantees or warrantees whatsoever. Caveat Lector. Neither Curio Pintus nor any other Italian is in any way responsible for any errors or false statements in the passage in square brackets. I do not in any way assert that Curio Pintus ever e-mailed me anything written in Italian with the same or similar meaning. [Considering clarified my position in the Telekom Serbia affair and having been defined by the Tribunale of Torino (Turin court) as a victim in the case of Marini and others and with the act of that court dated 12/15/03 in which that court proceeds against Marini for criminal defamation and false unsworn testimony considering him a untrustworthy person, I invite you to remove from the site and direct references to my name any reference to that case. Keeping such notices, which are demonstrated to be untrue, in the site is damaging to my person. Certain that that I have demanded will be taking in serious consideration, awaiting the actions mentioned above I offer good wishes.] Saturday, January 10, 2004 I have received a comment. It even seems possible that it is a comment on this blog. I am amazed since about 10 people have viewed it. For legal reasons (hah) I post the comment in full both here and in the one point in which I find a reference to Curio Pintus. I fear that this is a joke, but I would be delighted and honored if Mr Pintus deigned to sue me. Ritenendo chiarita la mia posizione nella vicenda Telekom Serbia definita dal Tribunale di Torino quale parte lesa nel procedimento Marini+altri e con la disposizione dello stesso Tribunale in data 15/12/03 nella quale procede contro lo stesso Marini per diffamazione, falso in dichiarazioni considerandolo persona non credibile, Vi invito a togliere dal sito e dal frontespizio del mio nominativo ogni riferimento al caso in oggetto. Il mantenimento nel sito di dette notizie, dimostrate non veritiere, sono lesive per la mia persona; certo che quanto richiesto venga da Voi preso in buona considerazione, nell'attesa di quanto sopra, porgo distinti saluti CURIO PINTUS ![]() |
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